Placement Skates


  • A maximum of 30 participants will be eligible to be on the ice at any placement skate.
  • This may contain players who have played a similar number of years or done alphabetically.
  •  It is advised to go with fewer participants on the ice at a time in order to possibly accommodate participants who need to change to a different time due to conflicts.
  • Everyone must be assessed prior to the start of the program.

Placement day set-up and participant sign in:

  • An identifiable table will be set up 45 minutes prior to the placement skate.
  • This table will hold the pinnies (or Tim bit’s Jerseys), sign in sheets and information for the Instructors and Evaluators. Each association will be required to fill this table with volunteers for every placement skate.
  • All participants must sign in for their evaluation. At the time of sign in each participant will receive a pinnie number.

Post Placement:

  • The completed Assessment sheets will be forwarded to Ringette Manitoba by the Head Evaluator and Ringette Manitoba will then create player reports for each association based on the results of the assessment.
  • Associations will then be allowed to form their squads for the year and submit their rosters to Ringette Manitoba for approval.
  • Once approved, squads will be scheduled by Ringette Manitoba for their lessons and games.

Association support:

1.) Provide 2 sheets of ice per 24 – 30 participants from the date of November 1st.

2.) Schedule and contact players to attend placement skates. If a player is unable to attend please contact Ringette Manitoba.

3.) Schedule and contact coaches (at a ratio of 1 coach for every 5 players) to attend and assist on the ice during placement skates. Please make sure they know that they need to wear a helmet, have gloves and a stick.

4.) Provide each player with a numbered pinnie or jersey (Preferably the same number for the duration of the ice time so there is no confusion.)

5.) Provide a registration table at every placement skate manned with someone from your association to:

Fill out the assessment sheets with correct pinnie numbers for evaluators
Check-in players
Distribute jerseys
Answer questions.

6.) Provide a list of Player’s First Name, Last Name and Jersey number to Ringette Manitoba immediately following each placement skate so that the results may be tabulated in a timely manner. (Templates will be provided.)