COVID-19 Impact on Ringette in Manitoba – UPDATE #4

CRCS Update will be made available today after 7 PM EDT.

Ringette Manitoba continues to monitor the situation both domestically and across the country. As more information pertains to events outside of the Province, Ringette Manitoba will continue to communicate with our participants and stakeholders as changes occur.

*ALL SANCTIONED / INSURED TEAM EVENTS and PROGRAMS are cancelled until further notice: Practice, training exhibition games, included.

TEAM POINTS of contact are encouraged to contact arenas and venues with individual cancellations. GATEWAY ARENA IS CLOSED.

COME TRY RINGETTE EVENTS: ONLINE platforms are now closed for registration. Page indicates events are cancelled until further notice.

Out of the utmost concern for our athletes, coaches, officials and families, Ringette Manitoba has decided that Cancelling  the remaining Ringette Manitoba Provincials A, B, C, OPEN and the R4U Jamboree effective immediately is the correct course of action at this point in time.

We sincerely apologize for the disappointments and inconveniences this may cause. However, Ringette Manitoba has made this decision based on the safety of all participants and their families.

Please cascade this information to your relevant stakeholders.

Lainie Wintrup
Executive Director
(204) 925-5712