Ringette Manitoba continues to be encouraged to meet the goal of a September 1st start date as more information from currently approved plans comes available and key dates the city arenas are looking to re-open. All the return to Activity and Play protocols must be approved by the Provincial Government and meet their Phase Criteria. However, at this time, how Ringette will look on September 1st is still in development.The R2A/R2P in Manitoba will consist of multiple stakeholders – Government of Manitoba (Health), City of Winnipeg, Ringette Canada, Sport Manitoba (and Insurance Company), as well as each LA/AA Assoc and registered participants in 18+, in addition to regional Municipality Arenas and Privately Owned Arenas / Ringette User Venues.
Most up to date information:
City of WPG Meeting: Protocols are in development. Goal: re: Open on 31 August, 2020. Pending approval of protocols from Dept of Health and maintenance of closed venues. RMB is on the committee with the City with respect to return to sport usage protocols. First meeting was this week. The City is still working out their Workplace Health and Safety protocols as well as user protocols. These will need to be approved by the Provincial Health.
Ringette Canada / MB:
Like other PSOs – Hockey, Figure skating, Soccer, Ringette is working collaboratively with other Ringette Provinces and Ringette Canada via Return to Ringette Ad HOC Committee on a return plan from Come Try Ringette – National Championships, with every stage accounted for in between.
The goal of the committee is to outline and develop a four phase Return to Ringette Framework and Strategy into a national framework to meet Government Approval. Recognizes each province has it’s own Provincial Health restrictions and timelines, this framework for the phases will provide a similar context across the country as the sport moves through the return to activity (R2A) to eventual return to play (R2P) stages. This collaborative approach will provide RMB with additional information and support while developing the R2A/R2P procedures for review by the Manitoba Provincial Government, especially during these fluid times.
The Return to Ringette Response for 2020-21 will require positive collaboration and clear lines of communication to ensure the safety of our membership.
Lainie Wintrup
Executive Director
(204) 925-5712